I've been terrible about updating. I get nervous about saying the right thing or posting things that sound dumb. I should really just post anything I feel like. I go through phases of wanting to post 20 things in one day and then never posting for a month. Confusion!
Anyway, I offer up a completed project, Fresh Mix Summer (Ravelry link).
Started & Completed: September 3rd-5th, 2009
Pattern: Indian Summer Yarn: 1 skein of Elsebeth Lavold Cotton Frappe in Fresh Mix Needles: US 6 & US 8 Modifications: Used the US 8 for lacy portion, US 6 for ribbing and decreases. Notes: I love this hat. I don't normally wear hats too often, but this is just too adorable. It's not too hot, but it's not super breezy either. I also love how the variegated yarn looks in this pattern. Normally there's issues with pooling so I try to stay away from variegated yarns, but the lace portion spreads out the color. The only problem I have with it is the ribbing has stretched out after two uses. I'm going to wash it and maybe pop it into the dryer for a bit to see if it regains some shape. All in all I still love this hat and it only cost me $2.16! Also forgot to mention this was knit for the HPKCHC for Herbology Sept 2009
I promised myself I would blog this week. I even have a finished object (FO) to post that I absolutely adore. I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures. I only just finished it yesterday, but I want to say something! What's a short thing to add that has happened to me recently?
I've acquired a new perfume. See my mom, sister, and I managed to spend $300 dollars or more at Ulta and I hit Level 6 in the Rewards program. What does that mean for me? I could choose a Cut & Style at the Salon (my hair looks pretty much the same when it gets cut so pass), a Hot Tools straightener/curling iron (I have both and you couldn't pick ceramic anyways) I forget what the other choice was... and up to $45.00 or a perfume. I thought I could only choose one that was $45.00 or less, but you can apparently pay the difference.
I took the bf with me and we both agreed a lot of things were unappealing. I showed him the one I wear now, Princess by Vera Wang, but the bottle in the store smelled (smelt?) different. He said it was too chemical-y. (As if!) Then I saw this... Daisy by Marc Jacobs. One sniff and I was in love. I normally don't like floral scents, but I liked this one immediately. Bf said he liked it, reminded him of a perfume he bought me for Valentine's Day when we first started dating. I wasn't too fond of that one then, but I swear this one smells different. So all in all I paid about $13.00 for this perfume, in all it's cute bottle glory.
PS. Bf says girl perfume bottles are better looking than guy ones. Why is that? Because girls are awesome. ;)