I've been terrible about updating. I get nervous about saying the right thing or posting things that sound dumb. I should really just post anything I feel like. I go through phases of wanting to post 20 things in one day and then never posting for a month. Confusion!
Anyway, I offer up a completed project, Fresh Mix Summer (Ravelry link).
Started & Completed: September 3rd-5th, 2009
Pattern: Indian Summer Yarn: 1 skein of Elsebeth Lavold Cotton Frappe in Fresh Mix Needles: US 6 & US 8 Modifications: Used the US 8 for lacy portion, US 6 for ribbing and decreases. Notes: I love this hat. I don't normally wear hats too often, but this is just too adorable. It's not too hot, but it's not super breezy either. I also love how the variegated yarn looks in this pattern. Normally there's issues with pooling so I try to stay away from variegated yarns, but the lace portion spreads out the color. The only problem I have with it is the ribbing has stretched out after two uses. I'm going to wash it and maybe pop it into the dryer for a bit to see if it regains some shape. All in all I still love this hat and it only cost me $2.16! Also forgot to mention this was knit for the HPKCHC for Herbology Sept 2009
I promised myself I would blog this week. I even have a finished object (FO) to post that I absolutely adore. I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures. I only just finished it yesterday, but I want to say something! What's a short thing to add that has happened to me recently?
I've acquired a new perfume. See my mom, sister, and I managed to spend $300 dollars or more at Ulta and I hit Level 6 in the Rewards program. What does that mean for me? I could choose a Cut & Style at the Salon (my hair looks pretty much the same when it gets cut so pass), a Hot Tools straightener/curling iron (I have both and you couldn't pick ceramic anyways) I forget what the other choice was... and up to $45.00 or a perfume. I thought I could only choose one that was $45.00 or less, but you can apparently pay the difference.
I took the bf with me and we both agreed a lot of things were unappealing. I showed him the one I wear now, Princess by Vera Wang, but the bottle in the store smelled (smelt?) different. He said it was too chemical-y. (As if!) Then I saw this... Daisy by Marc Jacobs. One sniff and I was in love. I normally don't like floral scents, but I liked this one immediately. Bf said he liked it, reminded him of a perfume he bought me for Valentine's Day when we first started dating. I wasn't too fond of that one then, but I swear this one smells different. So all in all I paid about $13.00 for this perfume, in all it's cute bottle glory.
PS. Bf says girl perfume bottles are better looking than guy ones. Why is that? Because girls are awesome. ;)
The 31st was my birthday and in celebration of my birthday the bf and I went to the zoo.
This is Mr. Coyote. He's looking straight at me. He would be looking away and whenever I lifted my camera up to take a photo he turned his head slightly to look at me. It was a little freaky, a little intense.
Since it was a small zoo there weren't that many animals there. The Orange County Zoo features mostly animals from the Southwest. I loved the little fox that was snoozing on a platform in his cage, the ocelot rubbing against a rock, and the bobcats snuggling in their hammock. But what is a zoo without a little petting zoo? This is Mr. Goat who hangs out in the petting zoo. He likes to be brushed.
All in all I had fun on our short trip to the zoo. I'm hoping to plan some sort of day trip down to San Diego with Andrew, Rose, and Wolf to see the zoo there this summer.
Passing Thoughts is exactly that, just passing thoughts. I'll be writing about my daily life, knitting, fashion, WoW, crochet, jewelry making, and any random thing that pops into my head. I'm terrible at censoring myself so posts might be a bit long-winded.
What can I tell you about myself? I'm Tiffany, a 21 year old (soon to be 22 on the 31st) student from Southern California. I'm starting this blog to have a place to share my thoughts and photos on various subjects and interests of mine.
So here I go, venturing off into the unknown and hopefully remember a few details to share.